IIPCIC Workshops

2021 IIPCIC Workshop on Free Trade Zones: An Illicit Pipeline

Free Trade Zones (FTZ) can bring increased efficiency where products and services become of better quality at a lower cost. However, relaxed oversight, softened Customs controls, and the lack of transparency in these zones can result in an increase of criminal actors who take advantage; thus, resulting in an illicit pipeline of criminal activity.

Building bridges to bring together law enforcement agencies, academic educators and researchers, customs agents, FTZ workers and stakeholders is paramount in the fighting against crime and illicit activity within the FTZ.

The IIPCIC Workshop on "Free Trade Zones: An Illicit Pipeline", held online as part of the virtual 14th International Law Enforcement IP Crime Conference, sought to address some of these issues, and provide law enforcement and other key stakeholder with access to the latest training in this area.

Shipping container